Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services

Doc's Machine- the Mad Scientist of Paintball
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Nichols Half Nut

Single-point internal coarse ACME thread in silicon bronze using a hand-ground
tool mounted in a homemade boring bar. I love my job.

Here, too, is yet another reason to do this job as a pair:
Silicon bronze is tough and "gummy" to machine. Cutting this thread
was difficult enough, but doing it as an interrupted cut- as in, machining
just one half nut- would have been a major headache with chatter,
springback, and a hard edge beating the tool out of place.

Doing two, paired like this, allowed me to make a single, conventional
internal thread, eliminating most chatter and almost all springback issues.

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Information contained in these pages is for reference and entertainment purposes only.  Our methods are not always the best,
quickest, safest, or even the correct ones. It's up to you to know how to use your own machines and tools.
Keep your fingers away from the spinny blades o' death and you should be all right.