Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services

Doc's Machine- the Mad Scientist of Paintball
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The TekAngel

While the ASA was the most complex part of the mod, it was by no means the only part that needed to be made.
The original back plate now had three unnecessary holes: the old charging port, the LED, the one drilled for the
original eye-mod wires. Rather than try to cover them with something, I decided to make an all-new backplate
out of 16 ga. (0.063") aluminum sheet. Degreased, swabbed with black marker for contrast, and simply
outlined using the stock part and a sharp scribe.

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All text, photos and graphics Copyright 1998- 2015, Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services. All Rights Reserved.
Information contained in these pages is for reference and entertainment purposes only.  Our methods are not always the best,
quickest, safest, or even the correct ones. It's up to you to know how to use your own machines and tools.
Keep your fingers away from the spinny blades o' death and you should be all right.