The movie
School for Scoundrels (Billy Bob Thornton, 2006) features the use of paintball guns in a confidence building class.
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The scene starts with the students out in the woods. Dr. P (Billy Bob
Thornton) points and says "In that bag are fifteen high-powered
semiautomatic paintball guns. Open it up and pass them around."

The students open the bag and find a supply of JT USA Tac-5 Recon
markers, with Brass Eagle 50-round loaders and 7-ounce CO2 tanks.

"What about masks?" "You don't get masks."

Eli (Todd Louiso) reads a notice on his marker: "It says here that the shooter must maintain a 100-foot distance from target."
In response Dr. P pulls out an Ariakon Overlord pistol and shoots him right in the chest. "Anyone else wanna read their gun?"