The comedy
Scary Movie 2 (Wayans Bros. 2001) features the cast using paintball guns.

In an attempt to track down and destroy the ghost in the mansion,
Dwight (David Cross) hands out pistols that he says "emit a bolt of
energy which can damage the ectoplasmic cells".

The guns are, of course, Benjamin-Sheridan
PGP pistols, a later version with plastic pump grips.

The exorcists pass them around.

Shorty (Marlon Wayans) tries to cock his like an actual firearm.

While Dwight is telling the crew "there's no more ammunition, conserve it,
use it wisely", Shorty pops off a shot gangsta-style, that hits Dwight.

Which Shorty apparently finds rather amusing. :)

So of course the rest all fire off a few shots just for fun. Note Buddy
(Chris Masterson) at the far right, looking down the barrel of his gun.

Later, Cindy (Anna Faris) shoots at the ghost giving Buddy a wedgie, and it drops him.

As Dwight tries to make it upstairs, Theo (Kathleen Robertson) stands guard. Note the top cover on the upper tube of the PGPs.
Both the pistols and the "heat detecting" goggles clearly come directly from the previous years'
Hollow Man. In that movie,
the top cover slides back to allow the loading of a tranquilizer dart.

Once upstairs, Dwight encounters the ghost, and careening out of
control, he uses the gun to shoot a table leg and turn it into a ramp.
Note this PGP is unmodified, without even the
Hollow Man sliding top cover.

After vaulting over the ghost, Dwight recites Dirty Harry's "Do
you feel lucky, punk?" lines, and fires at the ghost until the gun
clicks dry.
Note, again, it's a completely stock PGP- they didn't even try taking the pump grips off to change the looks a little.

Back at the lab, Ray (Shawn Wayans) and Buddy make ready after they hear a noise at the door, and see the knob start to turn.
(Turns out it's just Dwight.) Note Buddy's excellent grip and trigger discipline.